Discipleshift Course

Discipleshift: Shifting Gears to Multiply Disciples!

Your Discipleship Journey Here

Join us on a transformative journey to revolutionise your perspectives of modern-day discipleship. Over five self-paced sessions, explore the challenges facing the Church and discover biblical principles for effective disciple-making.

Examine the reasons behind declining church attendance and the gap between traditional practices and contemporary needs

Delve into the core principles of discipleship according to biblical foundations, emphasising empowerment and a culture of support and growth

Learn from historical perspectives and global case studies that shed light on effective disciple-making strategies

Embark on the discipleshift journey and equip yourself to foster meaningful connections, initiate change, and multiply discipleship in your sphere of influence.

There is no course fee, we simply ask for a donation value of your choice.

We believe in accessible discipleship. There’s no course fee—simply contribute a donation of any amount that fits your budget. Your support helps keep the course available for others.

Course Sample

Take a glimpse into our course with this sample video! Now more than ever, making a Disciple-shift is essential. We’ll unpack the Great Commission and equip you to make discipleship a priority in your life and ministry. Join others on this transformative journey—let’s dive in together!

Why Shift?

ready to walk Out the great commission?

If you are ready to start your discipleship journey, simply fill up the form, set any donation amount you want and we will email you the link to the course!

*There’s no set course fee, we simply ask contribute a donation of any amount that fits your budget. Your support helps keep the course available for others.

"Go and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you."

Matthew 28:19-20